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Hey, thanks for taking the time to read “About me“! This is  Md. Touhidul Islam is a family man and a serial entrepreneur. I’ve always had the “problem” of pursuing a variety of ideas rather than focusing on just one. I love to explore digital goods and services and let others know the true side of those digital goods. This is how I made my first attempt to be my own boss.

My journey started back in 2019 when I pursued the ambition of being an entrepreneur and providing a better lifestyle for myself and my family. You were given the valuable gift of a fresh day this morning. Make today better than yesterday by continuing to learn, grow, and set a good example for others. It’s easily achievable!

Let’s meet and get to know each other!

My experience with digital marketing began around the year 2019. And right now, I’m primarily dealing with:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • And all other related stuff

To be honest, I’m not a digital marketing specialist. However, I like experimenting with various tactics for increasing traffic, acquiring new leads, and converting them into loyal paying clients.

I launched this blog to learn new things and share them with the community.

How does Touhid Academy benefit you?

It assists in the growth of your business!

I’d like to ask some questions. Do you enquire into all of these questions on a daily basis?

  • How should I deal with search engines effectively to improve my rankings?
  • Is there anything new I can do to promote my blog’s content?
  • How can I get social media users to share my content?
  • What are the most effective strategies for converting website traffic into leads and email subscribers?
  • How can I ensure my company’s long-term growth?
  • Are there any other unique methods for increasing traffic to my website?

How? Why? What? And so forth.

Congratulations!  Because I’m doing it already!

Each day, I learn things, and I’m trying to share them with you here – on my blog.

Everything I write will increase your traffic and convert it into leads and customers.

And if you want to track my progress in my tiny online marketing lab, submit your email address in the box below and let’s do it together:

Thanks for reading.

See you on the inside, my friend,

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